Friday, June 24, 2022

Two of Cups

Though we may be apart, in a sense we are always together, across all lives, present and future. For this sense of a paradoxical aloneness creeps on you when you stand in the crowds. 
You are my other half, my twin flame in this life, for it is with you that my dreams run wild and I weave stories of togetherness in an unreal realm. And, I have become like you in the years that followed. 
In a way, when I look back on life, like a traditional Indian bride, I have walked with you around every revolution around the sun, I have stayed loyal to your love and held your name holy like a talisman. 
You are my other self, whom I do not know for I have never seen you as you really are, for I was struck blind by your light. Yet I know you were with me in each and every circle round the holy fire and will find you near me in every dream. 
Even when I dream, you are with me and I return to your thoughts time and again just to hold your hand in an unreal realm where rules don't matter and hearts speak only the truth. In another world, in a parallel universe, we celebrate our life of eternal togetherness. 
It is destiny that brought us together and again we spend our time chatting away about how life has been during these years of absence. I dream of a life of togetherness again, stargazing or soul gazing or learning more of each other. 
And, though apart in real, in every circambulation around the sun, you and I will grow together in wisdom and though our lives will remain apart, you and I will find that this sense of oneness with each other in spirit, that itself is a reason for celebration.

Sunday, June 12, 2022


I am held by the Earth. I am rooted in my truth. I am solid, centred and still. I am firm in my convictions. I know my own mind. I trust myself. I trust I will make the best choices for myself and others. I am a conscious observer. I am an open listener. I always return to centre. My centre remains calm and unperturbed. The anchor I cast allows me to explore without fear. The anchor I cast engenders a sense of calm and security. I metabolise negative feelings quickly. 

I cast out bad vibes from my surroundings. I process uncomfortable emotions without fear. I eliminate old, stale energy and invite new energy in. I feel good and refreshed. I feel vibrant and clear. I am renewed, restored and revitalised. I am clean, fresh and ready to start the day. I invite positive energy into my world. I reflect all that is good and "of the light". I emanate positive energy from the inside out. I am looking forward to my day. I am excited about what I will do today. Today is full of possibilities. Today is a gift from the Universe, and I am grateful. A smile from me will make someone's day today. I have an attitude of gratitude, and it shows. I thank the Universe for my many blessings. 

I have the tools of mindful breathing to help me. I can change my mood with mindful breathing. I remember to breathe when I'm feeling sad, stressed or exhausted. I don't hang on to negative thoughts and feelings very long. I know how to move on by processing my emotions. I do not waste time on resentment, anger or fear. I'm grateful to have the time that I have, and I use it wisely. I give of myself but honour my boundaries. Other people sense and respect my boundaries. I affect positive change by example. My enthusiasm is contagious. My peaceful demeanour is healing for people to be around. Good luck is attracted to me like bees to honey. I can't help but have good luck. It just follows me wherever I go. I notice opportunities and see how they can benefit me or those I love. I'm a lucky person, and I know it. 

I'm blessed, and I am grateful every day. I remember how precious life is, and I make the most of it. I choose to see the bright side of things today.

Inner Child Healing Affirmations:25 Positive Affirmations to Heal Childhood Trauma

1.       Today I choose me.

2.       I choose to create an atmosphere of peace and safety for myself.

3.       I do not blame myself for my childhood experiences/trauma

4.       Boundary setting helps me to create safety within my life.

5.       My mind, body, and spirit belong to me.

6.       Love and tranquility surround my interactions and my decisions 

7.       I replace hate, anger, agitation with others with intentional and positive interactions.

8.       I release the feeling of isolation

9.       I release the feeling of guilt, hurt, and shame.

10.   My abuse/traumatic experiences do not define who I am as a person.

11.   Even though I am in pain…I truly and deeply love and accept myself.

12.   I allow myself to accept positive comments and thoughts about me.

13.   I deserve to be respected and treated with love.

14.   I am open and receptive to compliments.

15.   Today I comfort my inner child

16.   My inner-child awaits to be acknowledged.

17.   My value is just as significant as any other person.

18.   Setting firm boundaries come easy for me.

19.   I receive love and kindness with ease.

20.   I ensure my inner-child of his/her safety by use of my words of kindness, compassion, and hope.

21.   I am ensuring my inner-child feels safe from pain through my actions.

22.   My willingness to follow through on my promises demonstrates the importance of my self-connection.

23.   A feeling of peace and tranquility comforts my being.

24.   I acknowledge and accept that healing is possible.

25.   I break the cycle of thoughts and behaviors that leads to experiencing the trauma again.


Full Moon Affirmations

Happy Summer Solstice


Seven times I have despised my soul:
The first time when I saw her being meek that she might attain height.
The second time when I saw her limping before the crippled.
The third time when she was given to choose between the hard and the easy, and she chose the easy.
The fourth time when she committed a wrong, and comforted herself that others also commit wrong.
The fifth time when she forbode for weakness, and attributed her patience to strength.
The sixth time when she despised the ugliness of a face, and knew not that it was one of her own masks.
And the seventh time when she sang a song of praise, and deemed it a virtue.

Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam

Wednesday, June 8, 2022