Saturday, July 24, 2021

Self care

Taking care of yourself can be a pleasure, and you deserve it. You will be more productive a brighter light, and a support in the world if you take time out each day to take care of yourself.

Get up early enough to have time to do a morning routine At the very least before jumping out of bed, take a moment to pause. Take a few breaths. Allow yourself to wake up in bed. Do a few easy, simple stretches. When you get out of bed, make sure you have time to eat a good breakfast, brush and floss your teeth, and step outside for a breath of fresh air before moving on with your busy day.

It's important to eat healthily as well. When grocery shopping, pick out foods in all the colors of the rainbow. Ask friends and coworkers if they have any favorite recipes for the season and swap. Take plea sure in trying new things, and seeing how many different colors you can eat in one day.

When you take care of yourself, you're helping yourself and those around you. By being healthy you are a light for others, and a model of how good health can look and feel. As you become healthy, others will wonder how you did it. Taking pleasure in taking care of yourself allows others to see that it's possible and to feel all right doing the same. And, when you are healthy, you have the energy and ability to give back.

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